If you own a store or a commercial business, you must either hire a private carter to collect your trash and recyclables or register as a self-hauler with the Business Integrity Commission (BIC). 

Commercial trash put out for private collection must be placed on the sidewalk against the building, not at the curb or in the gutter.

Get a list of licensed and registered carting companies.

If a carter collects garbage after closing time, you may put out the garbage no earlier than one hour before your business closes.

If a carter collects garbage while your business is open, you must put out the garbage within two hours of pickup time.

Businesses that use the services of a private carter must post a decal that clearly states the carter's name and the days and times that the refuse is picked up.

Merchants who transport their refuse personally must post their Business Integrity Commission Self-Hauler registration.

Businesses that throw away less than 20 gallons of garbage per week may share private carter service with other businesses.  The private carter must offer the businesses a written contract and free decal. 

If multiple businesses share a carter, they should set up a single place to put garbage. Businesses must keep a copy of the contract and provide it to Department of Sanitation staff on request.

Since July 19, 2016, certain New York City businesses have been required to separate their organic waste. Your business must follow these rules if it is a:

  • Food service establishment in a hotel with 150 or more rooms.
  • Food service vendor in an arena or stadiums with seating capacity of at least 15,000 people.
  • Food manufacturer with a floor area of at least 25,000 square feet.
  • Food wholesaler with a floor area of at least 20,000 square feet.

You can arrange for collection by a private carter, transport organic waste yourself, or process the material on site.

If you choose to process the material on site, you must register with the Department of Sanitation within 30 days of installing on-site processing equipment.

Download the Commercial Organics On-Site Processing registration form.

If you are a business, you are required to recycle certain materials and make sure, to the best of your ability, that the items are properly handled by your private carter. 

You must also post easily visible recycling signs and provide clearly labeled recycling containers, so that both employees and customers know what and where to recycle.

You are required to recycle:

  • Aluminum foil products (wrap and trays).
  • Glass bottles and jars.
  • Cardboard (shoe boxes, food boxes, tubes, file folders, egg cartons, trays, corrugated cardboard boxes, cardboard from product packaging).
  • Pizza boxes (remove and throw away soiled liner).
  • Paper cups.
  • Paper (magazines, catalogs, phone books, paper bags, mail, envelopes, wrapping paper, receipts, soft-cover books, white and colored paper).
  • Metal cans (including soup and food cans, empty aerosol cans, dried-out paint cans)
  • Metal caps and lids
  • Bulk metal (furniture, cabinets, microwaves, dishwashers, refrigerators, etc.)
  • Newspaper
  • Plastic bottles and jugs
  • Rigid plastic (caps, lids, food containers, non-food containers, plastic appliances, mixing bowls, flower pots)
  • Bulk rigid plastic (crates, buckets, pails, furniture)
  • Beverage cartons (milk, juice cartons, drink boxes)
  • Textiles (if more than 10% of total waste during any month)
  • Yard or plant waste (if more than 10% of total waste during any month)
  • Organics (if you are covered by the Commercial Organics Law)

Get more information about rules for business recycling and how to comply.

E-waste is defined as covered electronic equipment that has been discarded or is no longer wanted by its owner, or for any other reason enters the waste collection, recovery, treatment, processing, or recycling system. Some examples include computers, computer peripherals, televisions, small scale servers, and small electronic equipment.

E-waste that is not classified as hazardous waste per the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation is regulated by the Business Integrity Commission (BIC) and requires a BIC-issued trade waste removal license or registration. This license ensures that all trade waste businesses exhibit, “good character, honesty, and integrity.”

Visit the Business Integrity Commission's website.

New and existing applicants can make an appointment to visit the Licensing Unit for the following:

  • Application review
  • Picking up/returning/transferring BIC license plates
  • Fingerprinting
  • Signing approval orders
  • Purchasing BIC decals
  • Submitting payment for a bounced check.

Before visiting the BIC Licensing Unit, you must first schedule an appointment online.


Visit the Business Integrity Commission's website.

By Phone

Call 311 for assistance.

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