Co-op and condo unit owners may be eligible for a property tax abatement. Abatements reduce your taxes after they've been calculated by applying dollar credits to the amount of taxes owed. Building management, boards of directors, or other official representatives must apply for the co-op or condo abatement on behalf of the eligible building units.

To be eligible, the unit must be your primary residence.

Learn more about eligibility requirements.

Co-op and condo owners may also be eligible to reduce their taxes through property tax exemptions. Learn more on the Property Tax Benefits for Homeowners page.

The amount of your benefit depends on your unit’s average assessed value.

Average Assessed Value
Abatement Percentage
$50,000 or less
$50,001 to $55,000
$55,001 to $60,000
$60,001 or more

Unit Owners

Individual unit owners can’t apply for the co-op or condo abatement directly. If you are a co-op shareholder or condo unit owner, you should tell your board or managing agent if the unit is your primary residence so that you can receive the abatement. Once the development has submitted the application, you can contact their management office for information.

If you live in a building that doesn’t have a board, managing agent, or association, or if your building doesn’t get the annual condo co-op breakdown letter, contact the Department of Finance (DOF) for assistance.

Contact DOF.

Managing Agents or Boards

Co-op or condo developments that are applying for the abatement for the first time must complete the Co-op and Condo Property Tax Abatement Application. They must provide information about each unit and indicate whether the unit is the owner’s primary residence.

If the development already receives the abatement and the eligibility or the ownership of a unit has changed, the development must report those changes to the Department of Finance (DOF) so the owner of the unit can start receiving the benefit.

Building management applying for the abatement for the building for the first time can get a copy of the application online or by mail.

Mail to:

NYC Department of Finance
Co-op and Condo Abatement Unit
59 Maiden Lane, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10038

Call 311 to request a paper copy.

The management company or board of directors is legally required to renew the property tax abatements for all units in the building by February 15 every year. You can contact your management company or board of directors to confirm that they have renewed your abatement.

If they haven’t done so previously, management and boards must also notify the Department of Finance (DOF) about changes to the eligibility or ownership of the units. If you're a member or representative of a management company or board, it's recommended that you renew and report changes electronically, but if you’re unable to file online, you can mail a paper application.


Before submitting the form, you should:

  • Include the co-op or condo unit number in the message
  • Include the signed and scanned Attestation (Section A)
  • Make sure the file is password protected due to its sensitive information
  • Send a second message with the co-op number and the password in the body of the message

Renew and report changes.

By Mail

If you’re unable file online, you can download and print an application on DOF’s website or request a copy by mail from 311.

Mail to:

NYC Department of Finance
Co-op and Condo Abatement Unit
59 Maiden Lane, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10038

Call 311 to request a paper copy.

If you are a member of the board of directors, managing agent, or other official representative of a co-op or condo building, you are responsible for keeping the Department of Finance updated about the ownership and eligibility of units in your development.

You must report changes to:

  • Apply for the abatement for new owners
  • Remove the abatement from any sold units no longer being used as an owner's primary residence
  • Correct ownership mistakes
  • Correct errors in the annual co-op benefit letter sent by DOF


Before submitting the form, you should:

  • Include the co-op or condo unit number in the message
  • Include the signed and scanned Attestation (Section A)
  • Make sure the file is password protected due to its sensitive information
  • Send a second message with the co-op number and the password in the body of the message

Renew and report changes.

By Mail

If you’re unable file online, you can download and print an application on DOF’s website or request a copy by mail from 311.

Mail to:

NYC Department of Finance
Co-op and Condo Abatement Unit
59 Maiden Lane, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10038

Call 311 to request a paper copy.

2020-2021 Tax Year

The deadline for building managers and boards to apply for or renew the benefit is February 24, 2020.

  • Eligible buildings with applications postmarked on or before February 24, 2020 will start receiving their benefits on July 1, 2020.
  • Eligible buildings with applications postmarked after February 24, 2020 will start receiving their benefits on July 1, 2021.

2019-2020 Tax Year

The deadline for building managers and boards to apply for or renew the benefit was February 15, 2019.

  • Eligible buildings with applications postmarked on or before February 15, 2019 will start receiving their benefits on July 1, 2019.
  • Eligible buildings with applications postmarked after February 15, 2019 will start receiving their benefits on July 1, 2020.

Co-op Owners

If you own a co-op, your co-op’s managing agent, or board of directors gets the property tax bill for the entire building. You can contact them for payment and exemption information for your apartment.

You can contact the Department of Finance to request a printout with exemption and abatement information for your apartment.

Contact DOF.

Condo Owners

If you own a condo, you can check your property tax account online to see the exemptions and abatements in effect for your unit.

Get property tax benefit information.

Call 311 if you need more help.

Managing Agents and Boards

If you are a board member or managing agent of a co-op building, you can check your property tax bill online to see the total dollar amount of the property exemptions and abatements in effect for your building.

View your property tax bill and account information.

Each December, the Department of Finance (DOF) will mail you a co-op tax benefit breakdown letter for the fiscal year. The letter provides a summary of the number of unit owners receiving each exemption or abatement and the combined tax benefit received for the building. It also includes a detailed report about the exemptions and abatements for each unit and the value of those benefits. Instructions for updating or correcting this information are included with the letter.

If any changes to tax benefits are made during the fiscal year, a quarterly letter containing the updated tax benefit information for each owner is sent to the board or managing agent. Owners with benefit changes are highlighted in the letter with an asterisk. If there aren't any changes to the tax benefits during the fiscal year, you’ll only get the annual, building-wide tax benefit breakdown letter in December.

Learn more about the property tax benefit breakdown.

Co-op and condo unit owners may receive a notice from Department of Finance (DOF) asking you to certify that the unit is your primary residence. Make sure you certify your eligibility by returning the completed form to DOF within 30 days to avoid a disruption in your benefit.

Even if an owner is eligible for the abatement, that owner must have purchased the apartment on or before January 5 to be credited with the abatement starting the following July.

Eligible owners will be credited with the abatement starting July 1 if:

  • They purchased their co-op or condo on or before January 5, OR
  • The board submitted their names by the February 15th deadline.

Eligibility for the co-op and condo abatement is based on the unit's status on January 5th. If a co-op or condo property was recently purchased after the taxable status date of January 5, the abatement will remain on the property until the current tax year ends.

For example, for a unit purchased on February 15 and used as a primary residence, the new owner will not receive the abatement until the following tax year, starting July 1, if the prior owner was not using the unit as a primary residence on January 5.

The change in ownership must be recorded with the City. The co-op board, managing agent, or condo association is responsible for providing the Department of Finance with the new owner information.

If you live in a building that doesn’t have a board, managing, agent, or association, or if your building doesn’t get the annual co-op/condo breakdown letter, contact the Department of Finance for assistance.

Contact DOF.

You can get answers to questions about the Co-op and Condo Abatement and help with:

  • Applications and filing
  • Renewing and reporting
  • Abatement denials and revocations


Contact DOF.

By Phone

Call 311 for assistance.

By Mail

Mail to:

NYC Department of Finance
Co-op and Condo Abatement Unit
59 Maiden Lane, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10038

By Fax

(212) 232-2434

Need more help?

If you have already contacted the Department of Finance about an issue and were unable to resolve it, visit the Taxpayer Advocate page to learn how to get help.

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